Squirrels are beneficial to the ecosystem. They play an important role as seed and spore dispersers. This means Gray Squirrels are champions of reforestation. We all know squirrels collect and store seeds and nuts in the soil, but did you know that squirrels do not always come back for the food they have stored? When these seeds or nuts are forgotten they sprout into new plants and trees. Squirrels also spread seeds and spores when they poop. Nature, right?
Squirrels are members of the Sciuridae family, which consists of small and medium-sized rodents. Tree squirrels can thrive anywhere there is a food source. Squirrels are omnivores, which means they eat plants and animals. They even eat eggs and baby birds! When squirrels leave their trees, it is usually in search of nuts, acorns, berries, and flowers OR to bury their food for later.
Feeding wildlife is NEVER a good idea. We know a lot of people feed wildlife because they love seeing the animals in their yards. Feeding wildlife increases the chance that the squirrel will lose its natural fear of humans and become aggressive when food is not available. Feeding squirrels (or any wildlife) can also put the animals in danger. All humans look alike to an animal. What you may allow in your backyard may not be welcome in your neighbors. We get calls all the time from people who want us to remove squirrels who get in their bird feeders or come on their porches looking for free food.
Squirrels live in family groups. This is why it is important to never raise just one squirrel. Squirrels need to know how to “squirrel” and there is no better way than to let them stay with mom OR if they have to be rescued make sure they go to a rescue that raises squirrels in groups. Family groups can be territorial in the wild and will not usually accept a single squirrel. Instead, they will defend their territory, often resulting in the death of the invading squirrel.
Squirrels rarely need to be rescued. Moms will do everything in their power to get their babies when they fall from their nests. Unfortunately, people do not usually give mom time. Mom will retrieve her babies when she feels safe and since squirrels have more than one nest, you do not have to worry that the babies are abandoned if their tree falls or is cut down. If you find a healthy, uninjured baby you can leave it at the base of the nearest tree or put the babies in a box with leaves and let mom do her job. If the baby is still unclaimed after several hours, you can call a rescue to get advice on what to do next.
Of course, wildlife can sometimes cause problems when they invade your living or working areas. There are usually simple solutions to evict or prevent animals from taking up residence and causing problems.
No matter how you feel about wildlife, each species plays an important role in Nature so let’s do our best to keep wildlife WILD!

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